Traditions, colors and of course emotions is what an Indian wedding reception photography is all about. The fun-filled moments and lovely ambiance is the essence of an Indian wedding reception, and all these memories must be beautifully captured. The best wedding photographer is at the highest priority in a wedding photography checklist, then comes the venue, decoration and the attire of the bride and groom. Proper planning should be done well in advance about how and when and from which angle various things can be photographed so that nothing important is left out.
Certain things should be kept in mind while capturing a wedding reception photographs are: maintaining proper light for a perfect picture, capturing all thoughtful and beautiful details of the reception and using the camera lens which is best for the scenario.
Proper lighting in photographs: Wedding reception can be in the open air or in a hall. A wedding reception photographer should be skilled enough to deal with the different lighting scenarios. The color effect created by lights in wedding receptions are a challenge for an Indian wedding photographer as those lights are generally low and also give a shady effect in photographs which is not always required. The photographer should adjust their camera light according to the situation. While using flash avoid making it fall straight on the object you want to shoot instead use an external flash and let the light fall from an angle or reflect it from a wall or a ceiling. Shooting an open-air night time wedding receptions with minimal light is a great struggle. Use an external flash along with your camera flash which you can trigger at the same time to get dynamic pictures. The external flash can also be kept behind the object you want to shoot to give it a dazzling border light effect. As in open air, there are no ceilings and walls you can create a three-dimensional view by bouncing the light from the ground onto the subject. In low light areas increase camera ISO and slow down the shutter speed. Become aware of your surroundings and try to capture pictures with natural light frameworks also.
Capturing details: To make a wedding reception look lovely lots of energy, effort and ideas are put together. Every single detail from the reception to the color of the flowers are thought about. Everything all together tells a wedding story, so every minute detail is important and needs to be preserved. Work systematically and capture every big to small details like the well-set tables, showpieces, beautifully crafted seating cards, and displays, fast and efficiently before the guests arrive. Not every wedding reception has grand details to be captured, in such cases compress your image such that the object you focus on comes closer to the background.
Camera lens: Which lens to use, depends on the picture an Indian wedding photographer wants to click. A lens may be self-adjustable across the focal length it provides or it can be a prime lens in which the photographer needs to move closer or farther from the object to click a perfect picture. A lens which has a focal length less than 35mm is considered wide angle lens. To capture more things in one frame like huge interiors or wide landscapes a wide angle lens should be used. A lens with focal length 35mm and above is good for taking close-ups of the bridegroom and everything around them.
For a couple, their wedding reception photographs are the best way for them to cherish their memories. So help them making their memories perfect by being the best wedding photographer.